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2019 New Years Resolutions

new years, Resolutions, 2019, wellness, goals

You could say that new years resolutions are a pointless trend that no one ever sticks to.

You could also say that its healthy to set yourself some goals and have a vision of what you want to achieve over the next 12 months.

Advice for making your new years resolutions

Your new years resolutions can be whatever you want them to be. I look at them as more of a what do I want to achieve this year? One 5th of my 5 year plan, a 10th of my 10 year plan. It's a good idea to write these down somewhere at the start of the year and reflect back on them at the end of the year so you can see where you excelled and where you can make improvements next year.

Here's a good tip for you:

Reflecting on New Years Resolutions over 2018

bridesmaid, weight loss, greece, rhodes, wedding My 2018 New Years Resolutions

At the start of the year I made some new years resolutions. Unlike every other year I felt motivated, I meant it. I wasn't just making resolutions for the sake of it, I was setting my goals for the year.

My resolutions for this year were set as follows: